Monday, October 09, 2006

A(nother) Tree Grows In Brooklyn

This weekend Elizabeth and Jeremy, our landlords and neighbors, put a new tree in the backyard. It's a very cute crabapple tree.

The process of moving that small crabapple tree into the backyard was surprisingly Herculean. It took four adults and one small person. There were also several failed attempts that anyone who's been through high school physics should feel ashamed for having attempted. Luckily for Stella, she is blameless.

See the flickr set.


Unknown said...

The only thing I remember from physics is that Delaney had a tennis ball cannon and your cat peed on your backpack. That probably wouldn't help get a tree in the ground.

Kyle said...

not so! if you tied the tree to a tennis ball shot out of delaney's cannon, it would propel the tree to a distance of the velocity of the cannon times the mass of the ball divided by how much of a fraud delaney is.

and thank you for remebering that my cat peed on my backpack.

Unknown said...

Our cat still pees on people's backpacks. And to make her stop we have to put her on prozac.