Wednesday, October 18, 2006

But what does Outlook care!

I just wanted to share some spam I recieved today. It's pretty stream-of-conscious. It sort of reads like Henry Miller or Burroughs. I bet if McSweeney's published it, people would lose their shit.

And they really hurt. I really miss having a painless period. But what does Outlook care!
BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. , RLLP All rights reserved. You know, that dumb question the GP asked my mum was a rather dumb remark the conservatives told the GP last year. I have of those yummy baby pears. But what does Outlook care!
Many individuals at Visibility Corporation have been APICS. Forgive me for being so stupid but I, haha, panic very fast, apparently.
I love experimenting with food and tastes.
Not much to see yet, but this is a really exciting film project.
NET-grokking people like myself. Because, really, that would be a great topic. This time, it was for our language, which accompanied by the Swedes, is thought to sound just like. Not that I have so many, the gynaecologist explained to me I was less fertile. You see, I am so not free. It was a fake one, as so many I have are.
I thought about blogging. I love experimenting with food and tastes. NET-grokking people like myself. But still, the language is not perfect.
html, manufacturing journalist, Thomas R. You see, I am so not free.
And I covered them with Chaumes.
Forgive me for being so stupid but I, haha, panic very fast, apparently.
Because, really, that would be a great topic.
I need to be able to mail.
A mere five years after being. This is exactly how it is to be a web designer. Silly, because I have a great relationship with my parents.

1 comment:

mamcu_is said...

Tell it like it is, sister!