Thursday, November 30, 2006

Disrobing the Past: The Johnny Punani Story

A new Quiz Bowl production! Once again being submitted for awards, through the same group that gave us second for Science Baby of the Future. This one was completed in two weeks thanks mainly to the dedication of everyone but myself. I was totally racked with work and thought the whole thing was gonna get kilt, but everyone else on team Quiz Bowl put their all into it and got 'er done. I came in for the voiceover and some narration writing. But everything else you see was brought to life through the dedication of Mike, Sabrina, Joren, Andy, Jacky, Aaron, and others. I'm not going to set it up. Just watch and be amazed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bless you, Quiz Bowl, for providing me a context & vantage point from which I can see & understand my family history and our society at large. While it is painful & unsettling, I believe I can now begin the healing process. Anonymous- Minneapolis